This chapter is translated by Angela! Enjoy :) 1 成龙成凤: turn into dragon and phoenix: becoming royalty since dragon represent emperor and phoenix represent Empress 2 罐子破摔了: smashing the pot to pieces because it’s cracked- meaning not learning from one’s mistake, instead you just continue in the worse direction 3 This is an old saying from the northern part of China which means someone...
This chapter is translated by Angela :) And sponsored by Naomi N.! 1公中: (public) in olden time where multiple branches of the family live together, there is a pool of money monitored by the main branch and the small branches would contribute to 2迎来送往: yíng lái sòng wǎng- similar to “out with the old, in with the new” 3凤子龙孙: fèng zǐ lóng sūn...
This is a weekly freebie translated by Chau! :) 1 This part has become a question, but the meaning is the same. 2 I use Empress Dowager because it is more common in translations. I feel like Dowager Empress is more accurate though. 3 An Ping Xianzhu - a position bestowed only to women during the feudal era; it is different from gongzhu (princess,...