Will they find the red ginsend that they placed in Wei Yang's residence? This chapter is translated by me! 1恨铁不成钢 - hate to see iron can’t become steel; one’s child does not live up to one’s own expectations 2铁证如山 - ironclad evidence piled up on the mountain Chapter 44: Reverse the course of events Li Min Feng settled his thoughts, he knew that...
An extra chapter this week for the delay and to celebrate my graduation/upcoming backpacking trip :) Translated by me ^_^ the drama continues, how will Li Wei Yang get herself out of this situation? 1胸有成竹 - having complete confidence in one’s heart; means to be completely confidence with one's plan Chapter 43: Irrefutable Evidence Lao Furen knitted her brows: “It is good enough...
This chapter is translated by Chau - Thanks Chau :) Sorry for the delay - expect something else this week! *The title is referring to Zi Yan, who betrays LWY in hopes of winning Da Furen’s favor, so she may have a chance with Li Min Feng. The literal translation is: Sell Master, Hope Glory. Chapter 42: Sell Someone Out In Hopes of...