Wu Xin: The Monster Killer Episode 3 Recap

January 03, 2016

Episode 3 starts off with Lord Gu helping his officer celebrate his wedding and transitions into a new strange case/mystery. 

Episode 4 recap here

-Lord Gu's officer Zhang Xianzhong is wedding a concubine and Lord Gu makes a big scene to show off their power

-Master Su and Madame Su arrives and gift wild game and a scholar Huang Da Xian to recite poetry to enliven crowd

-Lord Gu wants to say something but gets cut off by Master Su making him lose face

-MS sees the wild game as rotten and throws up as Madame Su puts it near him
-LG mocks him for not giving him face by cutting him off, stealing the spotlight, and for being insincere

-ZXZ breaks into a frown after Lord Gu leaves probably indicating he's upset/doesn't like LG (he can be overwhelming but he is hilarious)

-Yue Ya is doing the laundry and LG barges in to stop her saying Wu Xin's sister is his sister so she can't be doing hard work. He pulls her to buy her new clothes but Wu Xin comes back and tells LG that they are going to move away. 

-WX kicks LG out and warns him if he doesn't leave, he will make monsters appear on his bed and LG laughingly says it's fine, he will just sleep on WX's bed. 

-WX brings YY to the market and wants to buy her new clothes but she doesn't. He gets mad telling her he earned money and he wants to buy her something. She tells him just get her the simplest jade bangle and reveals that her mother had one but after her death, her father turned the bracelet into a pair of earrings for her stepmother. She expresses she wants to pass it along generation after generation. It is also shown that two people has been following them specifically YY.

-WX tells YY that he wants to move out and wants to move out with her. He asks her what things to look for in a house and she tells him the direction is important, there should be a huge window, there should be trees in the garden, and also a big kitchen.

-LG rushes in and carries WX away explaining that something is urgent. They arrive at Su's residence and Master Su is ill in bed. He wants to hurl whenever he sees food and doctors can't help him so he believes he is cursed. He sees the food as rotten, smelling and infested with worms. WX uses his blood to heal him and also scans the home for other evil spirits. 

-After telling Madame Su there is nothing, WDW is spotted urging someone to release the caught animals. WX is angry hearing that the Su's even catches baby rabbit and skin them for her fur clothing. On their way back, WX tells LG he is looking for places to move and it is necessary because LG is interested in YY, is WX jealous?

-WX looks for houses trying his best to fit all the characteristics YY wants. He sees a girl on the street on his way home and realizes she is Yue Qiluo, the girl he released in the well. 

-Master Su hasn't healed and is seen eating pig food as his servants try to hold him back. WX and LG arrives and WX tells LG to hit Master Su unconscious. A servant comes in telling them half of the game has died. WX investigates and finds out that the animals are faking their deaths. He speaks to a rabbit and the rabbit won't tell him who is the immortal that is protecting them. 

-WX suggests the Su's to not eat meat and wear fur in order to avoid the wrath from the immortal. Madame Su wants WX to leave his blood and LG compromises and persuades WX to leave behind two written talisman with his blood. 

-WX sees YQL after arriving home and YY tells him she met her on the street and brought her home realizing she is an orphan. He tries to convince YY to kick YQL out but fails so he gives YY a talisman to protect her. 

-YQL wants to harm YY but couldn't because of the talisman and WX realizes he has to do whatever he can to kick her out. 

-He reveals that he already know that she is Yue Qi Luo, the one he released. 

Comments: I love the scenes between Lord Gu and Wu Xin especially when he carries Wu Xin out and when he hits Master Su unconscious. Lord Gu's expressions are so comical. The scholar is also hilarious persuading the man to release the captured animals. 

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