Long chapter ahead Chapter 67: Hanging by a thread ___________________________________________________________ San Furen fainted? Li Wei Yang was shocked, not sure why but suddenly a feeling of a very bad premonition floated over her. San Furen was diagnosed, she was infected with an epidemic. Lao Furen hearing this, personally went to visit her twice, even bringing a famous doctor for treatment in order to...
Chapter 67: Hanging by a thread 1膝下- xī xià- olden way of address parents in a letter 2姜还是老的辣:jiāng hái shì lǎo de là: old ginger is spicier- This means the older generation is better / more experienced 3舍不着孩子套不着狼啊: Unwilling to part with the child, cannot trap the wolf: means danger cannot be overcome without taking risk 4婶- shěn- paternal aunt (father’s younger wife)...