
Memory Lost Chinese Drama Review & Thoughts 美人为馅 (Guest Review)

January 08, 2017

I only started Memory Lost after hearing my friends’ nonstop raving of the series, and fortunately, by that time, all three seasons were out.

My Rating: 8/10

The beginning started with our heroine Bai Jin Xi (YANG RONG) trespassing into a swimming pool party to solve a case. She was falsely informed by her subordinate, Zhou Xiao Zhuan, that it was a cocktail party, so she was dressed in an elegant black cocktail dress. To enter, she had to cut her dress to what the guard considered an acceptable swimsuit. In the hotel, watching the party from above, we have our hero Han Chen (Bai Yu) calmly sipping some wine and sketching the outline of a woman’s face in his book. Jin Xi found the target she was looking for and started fighting with them all the way into the hotel; she, of course, bumped into our hero. Mistaking him for one of the bad guys, she started to fight with him. *This marked the first and rather bumpy interaction between our OTP* Bai Yu escaped the scene, but not before wounding Jin Xi on the shoulder and wrapping her inside a blanket.

My Brief Overview:
The heroine is a madam whose past is a blank slate. She has lost all her memories after an accident five years ago. Now the only friends she can rely on are her subordinate mentioned above Zhou Xiao Zhuan and medical examiner/personal chef Xu Si Bai (Evan Li). Her chances of recovering her memories seem slim until she crosses path with the hero. As they embark on their crime-chasing adventures which seem to be entangled with their past, they notice their actions cause brief flashbacks providing them a glimpse into their past. Eventually learning that the hero also lost his memories in an accident five years ago, the heroine seeks his help to unlock the mysteries of their past.

Each case, in addition to tying to their past, involves a killer clique where each member is represented by a letter. They are the only ones who knows the truth behind the OTP's past.

Drama’s Original Synopsis: 
When in the presence of strangers, Han Chen was always handsome and cold, making it difficult for others to get close to him. He was like the frosted snow – pure, and slightly chilly. Yet, he was also like the river flowing in the dark night – quiet and moving. To many, he was akin to an unequaled and untouchable god.

Only in the presence of Bai Jin Xi would this famous top police superintendent expose his deeply hidden shameless nature.

“Come and sit nearer to me, I won’t eat you. At least, not now.”

“I have never touched other women before. Do you want to check my body?”

“Bai Jin Xi, never ever leave my side. Every year, every month, every moment, every minute, every
second.” In his heart, there exists an obstinate old man – one who has tirelessly loved her throughout all these years.

Credit: Soompi Forum

The original synopsis describes the hero as a handsome and cold man, but initially I thought he was
mainly cool. I did not realize how cold he was until he did not shed a single tear or give (SPOILER
ALERT) his childhood friend/ obsessed lover/ E of the killer clique a second glance after she sacrificed herself for him.

The Cast:

Yang Rong as Bai Jinxi/Su Mian

Bai Yu as Han Chen

Li Kang as Xu Sibai
Vincent He as Zhou Xiaozhuan
Wang Yu as Shi Hang
Merxat as Xie Lu
Cindy Sun as Xin Jia
Miracle Qi as Xu Nanbai
Zhang Yijie as Xia Junai
Williams Chu as Ji Zichang
Zhao Yiqin as Mu Fangcheng

Brief Cases Overview and Discussion:
Case #1: Women were being the target of a serial molester/rapist
Victim #1 was found dressed in a white, exquisite princess gown on a bed centered on a stage. Red roses were scattered on the bed, while curtains were hung around the stage to create a magical and dreamy atmosphere. Paranoid of the rapist coming back, but thankfully accompanied by a friend, she discovers pictures of her during the crime hung inside her closet.

*At first, I thought there was no rapist. I thought everything was the woman’s hallucination and she was sleepwalking all along. However, I was totally wrong. *

Victim #2, on the other hand, was dressed in a white bridal dress and found sitting on the sofa in a bridal store. Similarly, the rapist, to create a wedding and dream-like scene, dressed all the other mannequins in the shop. At the back of the store, Jin Xi and Han Chen also finds pictures of the crime behind a curtain.

Both victims woke up with no clue of how they ended up in public, in different clothing, when the last thing they remembered doing was sleeping at home. Both described a weird, but equally beautiful dream preceding the accident. Victim #1 was living the life of a princess, while victim #2 met the man of her dreams in a wonderland-like setting. They exclaimed how they experienced a feeling of not wanting to wake up.

Who of the killer clique did it? K

Case #2: People were being killed off one by one by a professional shooter.
At first glance, there appears to be no relation between each death, but soon it became clear that each person was the cause of other’s wrongful death. This case was pretty long starting at the middle of season one and going into the middle of season two. Despite the length, this is my favorite case and the case that got the storyline going for me.

If I can just recap this case, instead of writing about the whole drama I would.

There are too many deaths to write about here, but after figuring out the link between the victims, Jin Xi and Han Chen are specifically requested by the killer to enter a game of paint ball. *I like watching concepts like this where there is a killer within the group, and the mystery is to find out who it is before everyone else is killed. * Besides Han Chen and Jin Xi, the eight other players are professionals that frequently attends these CS games for monetary award. They are handpicked by the killer to specially attend, but the reason is still unknown why these people are picked.

Splitting into red and blue team, with both Han Chen and Jin Xi being on the red team after Han Chen stole the red ball from a blue ball participant, the paint ball game began.

The greedy and ill-minded blue team wanting to win, crossed the bridge to lurk the red team into a territory that is not only out of the game’s range, but also the polices who are overlooking the area for the leads’ safety.

Death #1: Once across, our first victim, a male member of the blue team is the first to die with a knife to the throat. With everyone accusing each other, the woman from the blue team blurted out the name 李明玥. Upon hearing the name, all the guys from the blue team scold her and told her to immediately shut up.

*Suspicious, suspicious*

With the rain pouring and the bridge purposely severed by the killer, the group is forced to rest the night in a humongous, but simultaneously creepy mansion where a scientist professor, his assistant, and three other helper-like men of the professor reside. The professor never revealed his face and it is always through the assistant that the gang receive information. *I had a feeling something fishy was going on with the professor, but was wondering why did the killer lure everyone to a mansion in the middle of nowhere. * The helpers at first search were no good men. They accosted the group for money, but the assistant refused and stood his ground for not wanting their cash.

Death #2: In the middle of the night, figures in the dark quietly sneaked into the room where everyone is sleeping to take away the female. They attempted to carry Jin Xi and the girlfriend of the couple in the red team away, but failed. However, they succeeded with taking away the girl that spoke of 李明玥 earlier.

Discovering her disappearance, everyone from the group hurried out of the room to find her. In the middle of the hallway, there she was on the ground lifeless.

What I enjoyed about this case is how there is not only one killer and one mystery. There is the secret behind 李明玥, the people in the mansion, as well as the killer’s true intentions.

Who of the killer clique did it? T

The cases beyond this case gain significance in revealing the past behind Han Chen and Jin Xi’s past. Before the killer of the second case dies, he remarked how Han Chen’s speed is still as quick as he was five years ago. His words indicated that the killer clique played a role in the accident five years ago.

Case #3: This is not really a case where a street camera captures the face of a woman emerging out of an ambulance. 
The woman is dressed in a nurse outfit after attacking the actual nurse and leaving her behind at a crime scene. With the ambulance in motion, she injects fluids into the other nurses and driver causing an accident. The camera captured a blurry footage, so further computer work is needed to make out her face.

At this time, we see Xin Jia (Cindy Sun), childhood friend and unrequited lover of Han Chen, harboring feelings of frustration as Han Chen and Jin Xi gets closer. At her house, she places a picture of Jin Xi’s face on a doll while constantly driving a knife in and out of the doll as she mumbles “Han Chan and Jin Xi can never be together.” *She repeats this sentence A LOT* Also hanging on top of wall is a photo shopped picture of Han Chen and her wedding.

With Xiao Zhuan’s technology skills, the culprit’s face is revealed. It is no other than… DUN DUN DUN… Xin Jia or otherwise known as E. Acknowledging that she will be caught anytime soon and her chances with Han Chen is zero, she bribes Han Chen to spend a day with her. She promises him to tell him everything about his past if he complies with her wish. In her fail attempt to die with Han Chen in poisoned gas, they quarreled where she let slip that she will never betray the leader. He has given him comfort when she was at her lowest point. Catching a glimpse of T, another killer and unrequited lover of T, positioning his gun towards Han Chen, another killer and unrequited lover of E, E switches position with Han Chen as she yelled out “No one will love you as much as I do.”

Who of the killer clique did it? E

My Thoughts:

  • This series is centered on one main case—uncovering their past. I liked how there is always new mysteries arising that is bringing us closer to the answer, but we never get there until the end. The chemistry between the leads is one of the best that I have seen. Their romance was a bit sudden, but I guess their history makes it logical.
  • Bai Yu in his first leading role did not disappoint. He had the aura and look for his cold character. Also what a transformation from the last time that I saw him in Love O2O. My friend kept on praising how his style changed so much. I hope to see him more in his future works!
  • One of my favorite scenes is the ending. It was pretty intense to see who the true mastermind behind the killer clique is (though it’s been pretty obvious) and how the whole battle played out. Not everyone will make it out alive.
  • It was also nice to see the bond formed between the leads and their police gang. They really care for each other. The saddest moment was when I thought Shi Heng (Wang Yu) and 冷面 (Nan Fu Long) was really going to die when the train submerged into the water.
  • Cindy Sun, the crazy childhood friend of Han Chen, should also be praised for her acting. She made me hate her character for harming Jin Xi.
  • My complaint is how Jin Xi is dressed. I never noticed her clothing until I read a comment on a forum. As a police, how can she chase suspects in heels and in such tight clothings? She looks like she is preparing to walk a runway rather than investigate a case.
  • Lastly, some aspects were really random. Like Jin Xi’s cousin. I felt her cousin was out of place and unnecessary to the plot.
  • The first case also lacked the pull factor, but its purpose is mainly to bring the leads together.

"Deep Sleep" (沉眠) by Yang Rong and Bai Yu

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  1. Wow thank you for your insights. Currently watching season 1 and loving it to the max. The chemistry of the leads are amazing. Hope to see Bai Yu and Yang Rong in another drama. I have seen Bai Yu in LoveO2O both the movie and tv drama, funny hairstyle, acting is just fine and he looks pretty cool wearing historical clothes. But his role as Han Chen suits him well. He's really good here and Yang Rong is super cool too love her really. I find everything to my liking. Excellent drama!!! Too bad English subbing is too slow so only a few can appreciate this drama

  2. I remembered watching Bai Yu on LoveO2O, I was so surprised(but in a good way) with his transformation. This drama definitely showed off how versatile of an actor he is. Also I cannot agree more with how much I want them to pair up in another drama. After finishing all three seasons, I felt main OTP withdrawal. :( Hopefully we can see them collaborate again since C-dramas tend to pair up the same actors often *fingers-crossed*.


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