
Medical Examiner Dr. Qin Chinese Drama Review (法医秦明)

January 11, 2017

MY RATING: 9.5/10

Fast-paced and easy to finish - only twenty episodes. There is no romance in this drama so don't watch it if you want romance. The entire series is case-oriented so each case comes and goes within a two to three episodes span.

Each of the three leads have their own personality, which makes them click and fun to watch on screen. We learn more about them through the cases they solve but character development might still be lacking compared to other series. It is difficult to get the best of both worlds when it is only twenty episodes long, each being around thirty to forty minutes long. But to be fair, I subtracted 0.5 because of this.


Translated from Baidu

Long Fan city's police Lin Tao and forensic medical examiner Qin Ming have been friends for a long time. Qin Ming's assistant decided to quit because he couldn't stand Qin Ming's eccentric temper. As a result, Li Da Bao from the inspection division is transferred into their new team. Qin Ming didn't trust Da Bao from the start but the determined Da Bao showed spectacular reasoning and observation skills in addition to having a very keen sense of smell so Qin Ming eventually decides to keep Da Bao under his supervision. With the oil explosion case as the opening case, Qin Ming, Da Bao, and Lin Tao continue to solve different mind-boggling cases together.


Main cast -

Zhang Ruo Yun as Qin Ming

He was the second lead in The Monster Killer. Having to portray someone with a "cool" appearance, Zhang Ruo Yun did a splendid job. The hardest part is probably saying the lines and keeping a straight face. His character reminds me of his character in The Monster Killer when he was turned into an undead but of course I like him in this drama more. 

Jiao Jun Yan as Li Da Bao

Her character is the total opposite of her character in Remembering Lichuan. I haven't seen that drama (not planning too either) but I've seen the trailer and every one minute, she's either crying or drinking to forget the male lead. She is much stronger and determined in this drama. Her new haircut also helps, giving her a tomboyish yet stylish look. 

Li Xian as Lin Tao

His role is also not too difficult to play. He is more of comic relief - I am glad the series have him because it would be miserable to marathon twenty episodes of sick-minded criminals and the gruesome autopsy performed my the forensic examiners. 

Other cast members -
Qian Bo as Tan Yongming
Cheng Haofeng as Wu Lixue/Chen Biao
Qu Jingjing as Chizi

My Thoughts:

1. As mentioned before, I like how fast-paced the series is. After one case is solved, another is introduced. I remember watching TVB detective series and once in awhile there is an "intermission"; the next case isn't introduced until two episodes are used to focus on the characters' development and romance.

2. Some cases are too easy and not fun to watch while some makes us think. The memorable ones are the first one (it was pretty gross to watch that one), the last case which involves around main lead Qin Ming, the murder of the doctor, and the murder of the reporter (with the clown).

3. The last case was interesting in the sense that it focuses on ethics towards the very end. Qin Ming was given the choice of killing the mastermind to retrieve the swallowed key to save Da Bao or watch Da Bao die. If I was in his shoes, I don't know what I would do. He could have chosen to be selfless and save Da Bao but he would be convicted for murder or he could watch Da Bao die and be unable to forgive himself.

On a side note, this case reminds me of a lesson I learn in my psychology class where a man was given the choice of changing the railway tracks to save four people but only kill one who's on the other track or do nothing. There is no correct answer - it all depends on the person.

4. The three have been a team since the start so when all evidence was pointing at Qin Ming as the murderer, they couldn't accept the fact and continued to find evidence to clear his name. The chemistry is there and the little interactions put their characters to life. I still remember the scene where Lin Tao tried to set Qin Ming and Da Bao up so he sent flowers through Qin Ming's name. After the dinner, Qin Ming gives the flowers back to Lin Tao, which gave Da Bao the impression that they have a "thing".


Inextinguishable (不灭) by Zhang Ruo Yun

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