MY RATING: 9.5/10 Fast-paced and easy to finish - only twenty episodes. There is no romance in this drama so don't watch it if you want romance. The entire series is case-oriented so each case comes and goes within a two to three episodes span. Each of the three leads have their own personality, which makes them click and fun to watch on...
I only started Memory Lost after hearing my friends’ nonstop raving of the series, and fortunately, by that time, all three seasons were out. My Rating: 8/10 The beginning started with our heroine Bai Jin Xi (YANG RONG) trespassing into a swimming pool party to solve a case. She was falsely informed by her subordinate, Zhou Xiao Zhuan, that it was a cocktail...
Dramas Starting Off 2017: General and I, Love & Life & Lie, Pretty Li Hui Zhen, Guardian of Beauty
adaptation January 07, 2017 With the start of a new year, China has released many anticipated dramas for their viewers to enjoy. But what are they thinking? There are 24 hours a day - we can't spend that entire 24 hours binge-watching Chinese dramas. So my plan? To watch the first two episodes of each drama and see which one I am most interested in. My prediction:...
Princess Wei Yang/Princess Wei Young Chinese Drama (锦绣未央): My Rant and Introduction
adaptation January 07, 2017 WILL BE UPDATED CONSTANTLY... (with photos, cast list, and more rants!) UPDATED MY THOUGHTS: UPDATED SPOILERS AT THE VERY BOTTOM, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION ---> January 7: Rest of the episodes After Tuoba Jun married Li Changle, I didn't feel like watching on anymore. I skimmed through most of it since I knew the gist of the storyline from the long trailer...
First off, great news: the reel-to-real (or maybe real-to-reel, who knows...) couple has officially announced to the world that they are dating (this was like weeks ago). The way they announced it on their Weibo was lovingly sweet especially Luo Jin who put in the efforts to photoshop a photo of him and Tiffany when they were young. Seen two and one-fourth of...