
House of Spirits 一屋老友记 [Drama Review]

September 22, 2016

My Rating: 9.5/10
I can't believe I actually finished this series! I genuinely recommend this family comedy because trust me, you will not regret it. Although it is 28 episodes long, the series didn't drag like last year's Ghost of Relativity. It's purely a comedy so there is no need to take it too seriously --- in some parts, it did slow down but it picked up the speed pretty quickly.

(-0.5) Slowed down towards the middle end

After retired cheung-fun master Po Luk suddenly passes away, his eldest son Po Foon informs his three estranged siblings Po Yan, Po Yue, and Po Yi that their father left behind a will. The will says that the siblings have to live in the family house for nine months before they can sell it and split the profit equally. Realizing how valuable the property is, the siblings ungrudgingly moved back. But they are in for a surprise as Po Foon finds out that the ghost spirit of renowned celebrity couple Bak Wah and Yi Lan have been residing in their home for decades. Po Foon also befriends Po Yan's childhood friend Chu Chan Chan after a series of bickering. As the story continues, the Po family learns to mend the hole in the family formed years ago when Po Foon chose to leave the family.

Po Family -
Lau Kong as Po Luk
Bobby Au Yeung as Po Foon

Joyce Tang as Po Yan
Tsui Wing as Mui Chiu
Bianca Chan as Bianca Mui Siu Fei
Jonathan Cheung as Anthony Po Yue
Koni Lui as Fiona Yue Fa
Bob Cheung as David Po Yi

Bak Family -
Bowie Wu as Bak Wah
Law Lan as Yi Lan
Chloe Nguyen as Bai Wai

Nancy Wu as Chu Chan Chan
Calvin Chan as Cheung Tsan
Kelvin Yuen as Ling Bo

My Thoughts:
1. Nancy's Chu Chan Chan was completely overshadowed by Joyce Tang's Po Yan since Po Yan is much more developed and plays a significant role to the plot development. After all, the story revolves around the Po family and how they learn to love and support each other. Even Koni's character was better than Nancy's and brought more laughters to the screen.

2. The premise is simple: the Po siblings are forced to live together for nine months. But what makes this series work is the cast chemistry and how different each character of the four siblings is.

3. The two elderly ghost couples were also awesome! I cried when they left in the end because their chemistry with Bobby was another factor that made this comedy successful. I didn't want them to leave but in the end, this was what needed to happen.

4. The characterization of the four siblings remind me of my family. I have three younger sisters and as the oldest I understood how Bobby felt attempting to rebuilt the nonexistent rapport. He wasn't a great role model when he was young but he sincerely hoped that he can still be their oldest brother in the coming years.

5. My favorite scenes:
-When the siblings catch Bobby talking to thin air
-When Bobby first discover that the elderly couple were ghosts

Bobby calling his friend to tell him about his encounter with the elderly couple

-When Bobby walks with the elderly couple to get dimsum while holding out an umbrella
-Arguing scenes between Joyce and Koni
-When Law Lan takes over the body Joyce and then Tsui Wing

Opening Theme: "The Warmth of Love" (爱的温暖) by Edwin Siu

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