
Memoirs of a Geisha (Novel & Movie Review)

American movie September 28, 2016
I've written this review over three years ago for my now non-existent book blog. Instead of scrapping all of the reviews, I think it is a good idea to incorporate it into my drama blog especially the ones I've made movie references to. Summary: Speaking to us with the wisdom of age and in a voice at once haunting and startlingly immediate, Nitta...

Short End of the Stick [Drama Review]

HKDrama September 24, 2016
My Rating: 8.5/10 (for a TVB comedy) I actually enjoyed this drama although I haven't watched any of the series with the similar cast (The Great Eunuch and Overachievers). It was very relaxing to watch this since it is a no-brainer. The chemistry between the cast is great and the whole Kam family reminds me of the family dramas produced back then (Moonlight...

Fist Within Four Walls 城寨英雄 [Drama Review]

HKDrama September 23, 2016
Another TVB drama review (Fist Within Four Walls) --- TVB is on a roll this year, putting out good-quality productions. Currently airing are two completely different series with totally different genres and tone. Daddy Dearest, geared more towards family with kids, is actually not gaining as much praises as Fist is. I am hearing lukewarm reviews on this series but many are praising...

House of Spirits 一屋老友记 [Drama Review]

Hong Kong drama review September 22, 2016
My Rating: 9.5/10 I can't believe I actually finished this series! I genuinely recommend this family comedy because trust me, you will not regret it. Although it is 28 episodes long, the series didn't drag like last year's Ghost of Relativity. It's purely a comedy so there is no need to take it too seriously --- in some parts, it did slow down...

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