
The Princess Wei Yang Chapter 137 - Part 2

Chinese novel December 13, 2020
Chapter 137: Throwing Stones Down a Well[1] Lit. Red-crowned crane; an archaic way of saying a generic form of arsenic. For convenience: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%25E9%25B9%25A4%25E9%25A1%25B6%25E7%25BA%25A2&prev=search&pto=aue[2] Original: 鹧鸪霜. A partridge is a short-tailed, brown game bird. Not sure about the last part tbh--“frost” or “dew”--I went with Dew because it sounds more...literary.[3] 對食[4] Original: wàn jié bù fù, lit. ten thousands lives of damnation. Buddhist principle:...

The Princess Wei Yang Chapter 137 - Part 1

Chinese novel December 03, 2020
Chapter 137: Throwing Stones Down a Well [Title] Throwing stones down a well: equivalent to kicking someone while they’re down in English.[1] See note 49 on the following page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_astronomy#cite_note-46[2] Junzhu is a title for the Emperor’s niece, daughter of one of his brothers, in other words but it can also be bestowed as an honorary title.[3] Metaphor for: words have power and...

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