
Drama Review: The War of Beauties (爱情悠悠药草香)

Chinese drama June 18, 2014
Plot Summary:  The plot focuses on the Bai family and their family's herb business. The Bai's family eldest son Bai Qing Feng (Benny Qian) encountered a catastrophe during a business trip 5 years ago, leaving behind his kind-hearted fiancee Huang Cai Wei (Loura Lou). Ultimately, through a series of events, Cai Wei marries the Bai family's younger son Bai Qing Sheng (Han Dong)....

Once Upon A Time (American TV Series)

American TV series June 05, 2014
Having been an avid fan of a series called the Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley, I was unsurprisingly intrigued by this TV series. Usually, I am not interested in American TV shows because most of my time is spent watching Asian dramas. However, my sisters insisted that this is a good show from their friends' praiseworthy reviews for the show. So I sat...

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